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Why Does Spark Youth USA Exist?

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

Hello there! Spark Youth USA was born with one goal in mind: To enthusiastically teach the next generation about God and His Word.

Gen Z is in an interesting place. A recent Barna study shows that the number of Christians within Gen Z are continuing to decline, which is consistent with the trends of the last 50 years, and they are the least Christian generation in American history. Atheism has doubled from Millennials to Gen Z, with 13% holding to that worldview. The top 3 main beliefs withholding these young people from Christianity?

1. God and the problem of evil and suffering (29%)

2. Christians are hypocrites (23%)

3. Science refutes the Bible (20%)

On the other hand, Gen Z Christians are also the most likely generation to share their faith with unbelievers through personal conversations. So of those that do hold to the Scriptures, many of them understand the importance in having spiritual conversations with others.

So that leads to an important question: "How can we answer the many questions young people have about Christianity, while also equipping them to live out their faith in a hostile world?"

Gen Z needs answers and help with living out their faith in a God-honoring way. We've built a team of young people, with guidance from seminary-educated pastors from various walks of life, to reach, teach, and equip young people in their walk with Christ in a fun and relevant way.

Throughout Scripture we see God's desire for the older generations to pour into the younger generations (Titus 2: 3-5, Proverbs 22:6). We owe it to those in search of answers to teach the truth of Scripture and lead by example in just how to boldly live out your faith in today's society.

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