Recently, I did a deep dive into the life of Jesus to learn how to conduct myself as a teacher (and in general). I almost daily have been adding to this list, but here are some important applications from Jesus' life that we are to model in our everyday lives, and I encourage you to do an individual study and explore these Scriptures for yourself:
1. He was silent before His accusers. He didn’t get defensive or argue. He just stayed silent. God is our defender. ---Isaiah 53:7, Matt. 27:12
2. Recognize our need for God and rely on Him every moment. Seek Him in every encounter. Take time to rest and invest in God ourselves so that we can carry that with us. Set healthy, godly boundaries. --Jesus leaving the crowd to pray (Matt. 14:13-23), abide in Him as He abides in Christ (John 15:4-10)
3. Be present with others. Pay attention to them and listen actively, not just to respond. Listen to understand. ---Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), "Pay attention to the ministry you have received in the Lord" (Col. 4:17), James 1:19
4. Forgive others, and tell them you forgive them. ---Woman caught in adultery among many other instances (John 8:1-11), “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34)
5. Be clear and calm in confrontation. Communicate truth and expectations. ---“One of you will betray Me” (Matt. 26:21), James 5:19-20, Prov. 15:1, Gal. 5:22-23
6. Go after the lost one. Help them see their value. Meet them where they are but don’t leave them there. If they resist, recognize their resistance with them and let them come to us after they’ve been invited but denied the invitation. ---Parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:3-7), Prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)
7. No favoritism. Treat everyone equally. Everyone is welcome at the table regardless of past or current circumstances. ---Shown through Jesus' actions, James 2:1-13, Samaritan woman (John 4:1-26), Gal. 3:28
8. Pursue the ones that others are repulsed by, whether it’s behavior, background, or circumstances. ---Matthew the tax collector (Matt. 9:9-13), Samaritan woman (John 4:1-26), Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37)
9. Teach or mentor with questions to build understanding and self-awareness. ---“Who do you say that I am?" (Matt. 16:15), "Do you love Me?” (John 21:15)
10. Let them come to us, anytime. ---“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.” (Matt. 19:14)
11. Pray for them. ---Jesus prays for disciples and believers (John 17:6-26)
12. Teach through example. Model the behaviors we want others to mimic. ---Jesus lived by example and taught by example (The Lord’s prayer) (Luke 11:1-13)
13. Live in a way that’s worthy of guiding others. ---Jesus lived most respectably and perfectly, bear the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control), Eph. 4:1
14. Confront privately first. Then bring in others if necessary. ---Guidance on “a brother who sins” in Matthew 18
15. Make peace and apologize for our mistakes. ---Jesus never made mistakes, but He did teach us how to handle our mistakes. Matthew 5 (make peace before bringing your gifts to God)
16. Focus on potential, not pasts. Bless them. Recognize successes and growth. ---Give honor to whom honor is due (Rom. 13:7), bless those who persecute you/love your enemies (Matt. 5:44), Jesus pursued broken people & His love helped them grow
17. Love much and love well *unconditionally*. ---Jesus loved at all times, love takes no record of wrongs, love is patient and kind and does not envy or boast, it’s not rude, self-seeking or easily angered, it always protects, hopes, and perseveres, it never fails (1 Corin. 13)
18. Give multiple chances. No room for a vindictive spirit. ---70x7 (Matt. 18:21-22), “Go tell the disciples AND Peter”-Jesus includes Peter in the joy of the resurrection after he struggled with denying Jesus (Mark 16:7), woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11), the disciples falling asleep when Jesus asked them to pray (Matt. 26:40-45), Rom 12:17-20
19. Stand firm and stay consistent in your beliefs (and rules/expectations). Keep your focus on Him. ---build our house on the rock so nothing shakes it (Matt. 7:24-27), Peter walking on water (Matt. 14:22-33), 1 Corin. 16:13
20. Practice humility. ---Jesus suffered the most humbling death, was born in the most humbling place, and lived the most humble lifestyle. Phil. 2:5-8
21. Have faith and trust in the work of the Lord. Don’t rush the process or demand to see the fruit. ---One plants, another waters, God gives the growth (1 Corin. 3:6)
22. Be in places we can be found. Don’t isolate from others. ---Jesus was often out and about even though He did rest and take time to Himself, He was among the crowds
23. Be selfless. Lay our lives down for others. ---Jesus’ death and involvement with others during His life on earth, John 15:13
24. Stop complaining/talking negatively. Speak life over others whether they're around or not. ---Jesus welcomed those that others shunned (lepers (Luke 5:12-16), paralytics (Luke 5:17-26), possessed people (Luke 8:26-39), etc.).
25. Celebrate with others! ---Jesus attended a wedding celebration (John 2:1-11) (also where He performed His first miracle!); He celebrated/participated in biblical Feasts
These are just 25 applications...the Bible is packed with them! I encourage you to explore them yourself. Do your own deep dive study into the life of Jesus. How can we commit to following someone or claim to follow someone we do not know?
Doing our best to live like Jesus will certainly set us apart from the world. These are radical behaviors to the world, and consistently modeling His lifestyle will spark curiosity in others: "Why did you forgive me so easily? Why did you give up your day off to help me? Why did you not give up on me?" These questions are opportunities, and your life will speak louder than your words ever will. Let it speak Jesus.
Jesus is the answer. Always.
~Ally Boland